We are a single source for the following IT consulting services.
PeopleSoft - Networks - Web Services - Systems Security - Credit Card Analysis |
IB3 is a group of independent consultants that work on each project. We banded together due to our common concern that consulting companies do not see the value of customer satisfaction. If you put the customer first a consulting company does not need to resort to activities that are not in the clients best interest, but do put the consulting company in a more favorable situation.
As an example.... If we can shorten a time and materials contract period and still meet all of the requirements we will do that. We will not drag out a contract to extract the last cent a customer has. If we save the client money by shortening the contract we believe that they will call us first if they need help again. So we try to create a "Win / Win" situation. The "UP SIDE" We are a small group of customer centric consultants. We generally have up to 10 people who work as part of a team. What makes us different is that all of the consultants also do many corporate jobs. All of the consultants are billable. They also double as Salespersons, Marketing, Front Office Management and Support Staff. Our company is also Virtual. That allows us to keep capitial expenditures to an absolute minimum and that decreases rates. Due to this utilization we can charge rates well below what most other organizations can afford. In short... Our people can do many things, so why hire employees and have to charge more? This allows us to lower our rates (in some cases as much as 30%) You would be very challenged to find a higher degree of talent and senority than you will see here. I challenge you to test the knowledge of anyone from IB3 to see just how much competency, experience and capability we have. The "DOWN SIDE" We are small. If we are available grab us. We will not add staff just to handel extra work unless it is for an existing client. We do not want to develop into that which we have designed ourselves not to be. All news is not good news. You will hear an accurate representation of the status of a project and facts, not spin. We are not afraid of the truth. It can be uncomfortable to inform a client of bad news or to take a stand in the client's best interests. But it is always the right thing to do. We hope to have fun, but a sucessful project always comes first. |